Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Here's the Tapwave Zodiac. It's a palm-based pda with a ATI graphics chip! I know I just bought a PSP... but I really couldn't resist the offer. It was $750 for a Tapwave AND an iPod. I found someone who wanted an iPod so we ended up buying the bundle together. In tehe end, I saved almost $150 from the actual price and he saved about $170 off the iPod! It's a cool machine, no?


Daniel said...

Hi Zeke this is Daniel from 1M. Just wanna say that you should count yourself lucky for having nearly all game consoles :P (I only got a com)

B said...


Congrats on your package deal! I'm a fellow Zodiac and iPod owner I think you'll enjoy the Zodiac for what it is - a great Palm OS PDA that combines gaming & multimedia. If you have any questions, feel free to drop on over to Tapland (shameless plug, I'm a staff writer there), where you'll be welcomed as a new Zodiac owner.

Great blog!