Saturday, February 05, 2005

Sadly, the pain has gotten worse today... not much pain in the knee, but the the pain on my foot is pretty unbearable. I'm kinda hoping that this is the worst... and that it will only get better from here on. I've been trying a different medicine, but it appears that it's not too effective.

Today has been tiring. Maybe cause I had to deal with the higher levels of pain. Can't even rest any weight on it. Sigh. To make things worse, the lunch & dinner at the dining hall was quite unappetizing. For lunch, we had boiled slices of sausage and some cabbage. It was quite miserable. For dinner, we had sweet and sour fish and two other kinds of veggies... I think cabbage again and some green ones. But the fish was totally fishy... I took a bite and basically decided it was not worth eating.

It's sad when you are cooped up at home and yet have to eat really crappy stuff. Doesn't really lift the spirits.

I've been playing Paper Mario on the Gamecube. It was supposed to be a super fantastic, highly rated game. Personally, I think it is kinda over-rated. Having played for quite a few hours, I find that parts of the game are becoming more of a chore than fun. It's quite different from 'Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga'. That game was quite similar but it was really addictive. I couldn't put that game down! I might give up on it soon... getting quite boring.

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