Wednesday, February 02, 2005

SSDD. Those who've watched 'Dreamcather' know what that stands for. I was stuck at home the whole day as I've kinda gotten a gout attack. This time round, it's around my right knee, making it really painful to bend or position my knee in any way. So, I basically vegetated in bed and in front of the TV.

Spent the time really wisely... finished watching Chrno Crusade! The ending wasn't bad but I thought it could have been a little more heart-wrenching. Overall, it's a lovely piece of storytelling with enough twists and turns and emotional rides. If you like Anime, don't miss this.

Also caught up with some gaming... played some Pirates!. It's a real time sucker cause a big part of the game is travelling on the seas. Even the ship battles aren't exactly fast moving. I like the fencing bits and the wooing of the ladies bits. Quite fun.

This doesn't feel like a full attack so I might be up and about tomorrow. If not, I might be cooped up for a whole week. With CNY around the corner, I guess it's not too bad. Don't really mind staying home during that time.

Well... just means more time to blog! haha....

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