Saturday, March 11, 2006

I just had one of the weirdest and most disturbing dreams ever.

Basically, the whole dream was about me accusing my mother of how she had ruined my life! Oh wow... it's really strange. Maybe I've watched too many of those movies with scenes of deranged criminals being psycho-analysed...

The dream is fading, but what i remember was that I was looking for new courses to attend. I was checking out schools which offer post-graduate programmes. I was looking at this school with some sort of recruitment centre in a row of shop houses and as I peered into the school, no one seemed interested in serving me. All had deadpan faces, staring at their computers & files. (btw, for some strange reason, in my dream, there was distinctly a lego shop just a few steps away from this recruitment centre. Maybe a sign for me to go get some lego?)

I decided to give the place a miss and walked away. As I turned the corner, I noticed the back door open, so I entered to see if I could find out more info about the courses. I realised that I had entered into some living quarters, and it turns out to be like a senior professor. He asks me to take a seat and after a short chat, I realise that he knows me! Then he tells me that he is in some prayer group where my mom has asked them to pray for me. And that's when I started letting it all out.

I was angry that my mother had broken up my relationship with a non-chinese girl when I was young... I was angry that despite the fact that we were innocent, my mom had confronted the girl... then I let out that I had tried taking drugs coz I was fed up with the way she had handled things in my life... and, oh wow... it was a huge sob fest! Before any of you start raising your eyebrows, these things NEVER happened in real life.

Some time as I was like losing totally control, I (as in all dreams) woke up.

It was seriously weird.

It even takes beats the dreams when I dreamt I was Ultraman. (those dreams were much more pleasant).

Wonder if there is any significance to the dream.... maybe some subconscious frustrations? hmmmmm

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