Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ah Long Pte Ltd & CJ7

Saw these two movies last week. Couldn't bring myself to write any review coz they were seriously pathetic. Here's my quick reviews of the two....

First off... CJ7. Definitely the weakest movie when compared to Stephen Chow's last two movies. It wasn't very funny. It wasn't very touching. Yes, it had a few funny moments and a few touching moments, but it was all quite average. I think he either tried too hard to move away from what he does best - making us laugh, or he was too preoccupied with the special effects which created the little alien. I am also mildly disturbed that Stephen Chow chose to use 3 girls to act as boys and 1 boy to act as a girl... i mean , come on... it can't be that there were no cute boys to cast as the lead kid rite? So-so movie. Give it at most 5/10.

Ah Long Pte Ltd.... Sigh. I didn't have high expectations at all... and even then, my expectations were still too high. This was one loooooong painful movie. The irony? The worst movie among the 3 CNY movies is also the longest. I have no idea what Jack Neo was thinking when he made this movie. His lousy jokes and poor editing aside, I have no idea why he decided to base the movie in Malaysia!! His previous movies poked fun and Singapore and I think it made some sense when we could at least pretend he was trying to make a statement by joking about us. But when he moved the location to Malaysia, he lost even that little difference his movies made. This was a really bad movie. Avoid it at all cost. 0.5/10. (The 0.5 is given to Mark Lee who at least had some funny moments in the movie).

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