Monday, March 26, 2007

Irritations - Cinema Queuers

I've decided to start a little series on things that irritate me. Maybe this will be the one and only entry on this but maybe I might build a whole long list of rants. Please feel free to enter comments on the things that I find irritating. You can add to the list of course!

My first post on this topic: Cinema Queuers.

I hate it when I go and buy tickets and the queue is super long. What makes it worse are some cinema queuers which make the hell even worse than it needs to be.

The first kind are the groups of teenagers. Ok, let me clarify that I am not against all teenagers. It's just that more often than not, you have these groups that join the queue together. Yep, that's like 6 to 20 people queueing in the same line. I mean, I know about solidarity and all that, but can't you like send one person to buy the ticket?? When they get to the counter and purchase their tickets, that's where the next two possible irritations come. (1) no more tickets for the show. The group then holds a pow-wow right in front of the counter and start discussing what shows they want to watch. And this can go on forever while all the other people in the queue wait for them to make up their mind. (2) They buy the tickets for the show then they start taking out their money one by one by one to pay for the tickets!! I mean, can't you like collect the money before hand? Again, I know this isn't true for ALL groups of teenagers, but I have observed many who fall in this irritating category.

The second kind are usually the girlfriend/boyfriend type. These are the ones that queue to the front then start getting each other's consensus before they buy the tickets. You know, the type that ask, 'so how? you want to watch or not?' or 'what do you think about these seats?', etc, etc, ad nauseum. I implore the male or the female or whoever wears the pants, DECIDE already! Buying a ticket is not like applying for a flat. It's just a movie.

The third kind are the family with small children. I have nothing against them but I have everything against parents who (1) don't control them and let them run amok in the queue, screaming and bumping into other people and (2) have to treat buying tickets like an educational lesson for the kid. You know, like asking the kid to pay for the ticket, asking him to check the money, etc etc. Look, if the queue is short and you want to spend time like this, fine. But when you have like a whole long queue of people waiting to buy tickets, I think the civil thing for you to do is to finish the transaction as quickly as you can.

So there you have it, my first post about things that irritate me. Any comments? Who irritates you in the cinema queues?

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