Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Ok, I've been lazy again. Have caught a couple of movies but due to World of Warcraft, I'm ashamed to say I've not kept up with my movie blogging. So here are some quick updates.

I liked Apocalypto. Basic story is: small happy village (with perverted sense of humour) gets ravaged by warriors from the 'advanced' mayan city. man saves wife and child by hiding them in a dried-up well. Man then gets dragged to mayan city but then he has to escape to go back to get his wife (who is very pregnant) and kid out of the well before they get drowned by water filling up in well coz of rain.

Yep, that's the main gist of the story.

Plenty of action and bloody scenes. Mel Gibson doesn't hold back on the brutality of the ancient fighting scenes. There are impalings, beheadings, arrowings, slicings, etc, etc, all in full bloody goodness. Not many sex/nude scenes except for some glances at the tribal women who were topless. But then again, that wouldn only be 'exciting' for those of you who find your cheap thrills from National Geographic documentaries.

The characters are likeable, especially with names like Jaguar Paw and Turtles Run. Because Mel Gibson doesn't really use big familiar hollywood names, you kinda feel more for the characters coz they feel more down to earth.

Two main problems I had though.

1. They didn't really show much about the mayan city other than the scenes in the middle of the movie. So, I was a bit disappointed coz I had expected a movie which showcased more about the mayan culture and also about why they mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth.

2. There's this chase scene in the movie that went on and on... they ran (both pursuers and the pursued) for almost 24 hours non-stop... I know adrenaline can keep people going, but 24 hours? Seems to be stretching it a little.

On the whole, good movie. Very enjoyable and didn't feel like 2 hours at all.

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