Friday, October 13, 2006

Toenail Probs again

Went to the Podiatrist again coz the toenail on my big toe was giving me problems again. I tell you... the pain was indescribable. The last time I went, it was a quick snip and I was done. This time round, it was a different podiatrist and she just went at it like doctor frankenstein on his project. Basically, it appears that the nail wasn't growing out well and had started growing in again and there was some inflammation. To add to that, the other side of the nail was also growing wrong. AARGH. She basically took out her tools and snipped and filed away at the nail... with the raw wounds surroundin the nail. It was an experience which I can only describe as being worse than being in a dentist's chair. Yes. It is that bad. I'll be honest. I closed my eyes throughout the whole thing. I wasn't gonna watch her mangle my toe.

Well, at the end of it, I saw bloody bundles of cotton on the table. And my toe was wrapped up tight. Now, I have to go back in a week and it looks like I'm gonna have to postpone my travel plans. Sigh. Ok, I guess the pain is not as bad as before, but it sure feels sore.

To my dear readers: please take care of your toenails. Yes. You'd better.

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