Thursday, December 21, 2006

Night at the Museum

Last night, at the last minute, I decided to go catch Night at the Museum with my brother. Only Cathay cinemas had the movie being screened after 11pm so we made our way to The Cathay at Dhoby Ghaut to catch the 11.30pm show. Was quite lucky coz the I managed to get the last two side-by-side tickets! Unfortunately, it was at the very first row. Luckily, the screen was about 6.5m away from the first row, so it wasn't really that bad. Still bearable.

The movie was quite typically Ben Stiller. He had his usual manic moments and I could actually see some familiar moves from his other movies like Meet the Fockers and Dodgeball. He might be depending too much on his usual roles, a bit like how Jim Carey seemed to act the same in many of his movies. The movie was reasonably funny but certainly not laugh-out-loud hilarious. But it seemed to be quite a crowd pleaser as the cinema quite frequently broke out in laughter. To me, there were some moments which I think escaped most of the crowd - for eg. there was a scene which involved spanking a monkey... Lolz. Get it? Heh. Story? Well, if you have to ask about the story, then you obviously aren't a fan of Ben Stiller movies. There really isn't a decent story.

There were quite a few stars involved in the movie. I knew that Robin Williams and Owen Wilson were in the movie, but I was surprised that they managed to get veterans like Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney to star in the movie. Robin Williams did a decent job, putting in a more controlled performance than usual. Owen Wilson... I never really liked him.. so he was bearable, especially since he was given such a small role. heh.

If you need a laugh or two, NATM should be fine. But don't expect an academy award winner. :-)

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