Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Beijing Airport

Took this while waiting for my flight from Beijing to Shanghai.

The airport is really quite large, but the pe0ple... oh the people... it was so very crowded. Basically, the one phrase that comes to mind is the proverb I learnt since primary school: 人山人海。

The whole of China is just so very crowded. The shops are crowded, the streets are crowded, the parks are crowded, etc, etc. It's something I don't really like coz the crowds do get to me. And the weather doesn't really help. The temp here hovers around 32 to 37 degrees! Just today, as we stepped out of the van, we could literally feel the heat wave hit us. It was 37 degrees at Hefei! I'm told the weather is the same if not worse further south where I'm heading for the next trip... sigh. Why can't we recruit in Winter time!?

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