Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It feels so good...

It's the holidaez again, and yes... it feels so good...

It's great not having to wake up and go to school every morning. It's great not to be bugged by the thoughts of marking CTs, projects, assignments. It's great to just take things easier.

I think if not for the holidaez, many more teachers would lose their minds. I really think so.

The holidaez have been off on a pretty good start. Managed to finish some materials which I had to prepare over the weekend. Managed to start catching up on some DVDs which I had bought but never had the time to watch. Managed to start watching movies in the cinema again... sigh.. how i missed that.

Term 2 has been particularly tiring. Somehow, things don't seem to get any easier. It's my 5th year here and my 3rd year as PM. Yet, I would be lying if I said I found things getting easier to do. The last term was busy busy busy. FW, CTs, FD, OH, etc.... Next term is not gonna be any better. So, I think I shall enjoy whatever holidaez I have rite now.

Started with watching the new CGI Appleseed movie. It was fantastic! It had this fantastic CGI backgrounds with more traditional 2D characters. The action was really cool and the story wasn't anime-type-weird. It did have a decent story line. But the whole package was really good. That was one DVD I'm glad I bought!

Next, watched House of Fury, this chinese show which was pretty much a Spy-Kids copy cat except that the Kids were more teens. It had some decent CGI fighting scene and the story was ok. I just felt that the director had trouble deciding if he wanted to film a comedy, drama or adventure. It was just a mish-mesh of everything, in an incoherent manner. But ultimately, still watchable.

I'm looking forward to starting on my Astroboy and Rahxephon Series. Maybe I'll start tomorrow!

Today, I caught Madagascar. I was a little disappointed by it. There were funny moments here and there, but overall, it wasn't very good. The story was quite 'blah'... Sure, the lemurs were funny and the penguins were cool but I just didn't care much for the lion, the zebra, the hippo and the giraffe. Digital cinema was cool though.. as always!

So... what next.... I hope to catch Star Wars III in a digital cinema, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Monster-in-law before leaving for Japan with the Expo tour. There's a class party on Thursday which is sounding fun and I've also got a new toy to play.... more on that tomorrow!

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