Thursday, June 29, 2006

Superman Returns

Wow. The movie was really good. Bryan Singer is really an excellent director when it comes to such comic hero movies. There were so many nice touches throughout the movie, and it basically had what X-Men 3 lacked.... heart.

Yeah, sounds mushy I know. But the truth is, you didn't really feel much for the characters in X-Men 3. It was a fun action movie. But the characters were really quite normal. In Superman Returns, Bryan Singer takes the time to show subtle scenes to really give us a little more insight into the characters and thus making us feel a little more for them.

How was Brandon Routh as Superman? Good. Very good. He definitely carried the role well and all the flying, saving, etc, were done with an air of a super man. Really. Another thing I liked was the way he gave Superman a regal air about him. There were these bits here and there that his movement was just slowed a little, to give you this feel that he is like royalty.

Another thing I liked about the movie was their restraint. There were scenes which could easily have become cheesy, but the director didn't go overboard and held back. And the scenes turn out quite well.

So, any bad things to say?

Yeah, I still don't like the way they make Lex Luthor a semi-clown. Why can't they just use a proper evil Luthor like in the comics and TV series? So, while Kevin Spacey also did a good job, the 'evil' in the movie just wasn't evil enough. Another thing, some of you will probably find the movie a little cheesy anyway. It definitely doesn't feel as down to earth as say, Spiderman. But in my opinion, you just can't do it with a super hero like Superman.

The movie was 2h 40mins short. Yeah... short. It really didn't feel like 2h 40mins had passed. To me, that's always the mark of a great movie.

Go watch it.

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