Tuesday has always been the maintenance day for World of Warcraft. Basically, it means that there's no wow-playing on Tuesdays... usually until 2am on Wednesday.
I recently bought Warhammer - Age of Reckoning (WAR), a new MMORPG to try. The stupid thing is.. they have ALSO chosen Tuesdays to do patches/maintain the server. So, instead of being able to use Tuesday to try WAR, I'm stuck with... blogging? lolz.
Anyway, a few new things I tried recently:
1. Warhammer
Many call it a WOW clone. I've played it for a couple of hours and I think that so far, the game is quite similar to WOW. But for some reason, the graphics dun seem to be very nice on my pc. I don't know if it's coz the graphics are like that or my pc is just no good enough. Compared to WOW, I find that WAR's graphics are a little too blocky and not as smooth. It's hard to beat WOW. I will probably give WAR a few more weeks to see if my interest is sustained. If not, then I guess it's WOW, especially with the expansion set coming.
2. Playstation 3 HOME
HOME is the 'second life' equivalent for PS3. Kinda like an online portal where we can create our own house, decorate it with our game trophies, and wander around to interact with people. I find the graphics really good and there are some nice touches. But since I am only trying out the BETA, there aren't many people around. So not so much interaction yet. The other minor irritation is the slow download/installation when I have to go to new zones. Since this is at BETA stage, I hope it gets better when it's launched.
3. Movies that suck 1 : Mamma Mia!
This is one disappointing movie. Two BIG problems: poor translation to movie and poor casting. I heard that the stage musical is really good. But the movie just doesn't seem to live up to the musical. The story is just feels like old people trying hard not to be old. :S And I think the director has tried to faithfully reproduce the musical for the big screen. It just doesn't work. The fantastic movie musicals like Moulin Rouge and Hair Spray all have interesting adaptations that work on the big screen. Mamma Mia doesn't . And the casting... Pierce Brosnan has lost all credibility after this movie. He can't sing and he just feels so out of place. Meryl Streep is a little better but the one who steals the show is her gal-friend, Tanya (played by Christine Baranski). This show only works if you go thinking that it's a comedy. You will be in for some painful laughs.
4. Movies that such 2: Star Wars - The Clone Wars
Watched this a few weeks ago. This movie is really bad. Only thing that is mildly watchable are the few battle scenes. Other than that, the animation is unexciting and the story is stupid (who cares about rescueing Jabba's son... named Stinky...). And I think I have been permanently scarred by Jabba's transvestite uncle with a texan accent. Please dun watch this if you haven't.
OK.. WAR has finished patching... time to see if the server is up!